Exploring New Markets

TL;DR - This is an overview of the work the “New Markets” product team accomplishments. Our overall goal was to seek out and open up potential new business line extensions and product verticals beyond our singular college recruiting vertical. During this team’s tenure, we manage to add 3 new market types to FieldLevel: 1) Coach Jobs 2) Events 3) Coach Write-ups Marketplace. Each of these marketplaces brings a new value proposition to FieldLevel; increase user engagement, fight off sport seasonality, and create strategic footholds toward our company’s goals of being the global sports network. Overall, we increased coach generated content by 20%, resulting in a 12% increase in daily athlete engagement.

Coach Write-up Project

Our goal for this project was to prove that we could make a fully self-sustainable feature in a gig-economy marketplace. This stemmed from initial ideas of college coaches offering guidance services to athletes and parents for a fee. Before our team took on this project, another team had done a proof of concept manual booking experience where athletes and parents could reserve a slot on a college coach's calendar and have a 45-minute recruiting guidance phone call. Early results and customer/coach satisfactions were very positive. So our team began trying to figure out how to make this coach booking system into a fully self-sustainable feature. What we came to learn quickly is that building out even an MVP self-sustaining booking feature was going to be a huge undertaking that could easily involve integrating with 3rd party companies to handle the calendar management, payment methods, and video conferencing software. We had already to begun doing user interviews and mapping out a potential roadmap. One day we had a transformative call with a parent who had been a participant in the proof of concept test. The parent had stated that all they wanted is "honest feedback from a coach on where their child stood" and that they’d love it in some sort of a “write-up”. With the possibility that this booking project was going to be a non-starter, we decided to pivot and explore if this write-up idea could be a viable gig-economy feature. We began running tests and a proof of concept to see if college coaches would do these write-ups and if they would be of value to athletes and parents. It was a hit! We felt we had something and made a full pivot toward Write-ups being the 1st feature that we’d build to try a make a fully self-sustaining gig-economy feature. We mapped out a game plan and began building sales pages, a dashboard list, integrated with Stripe as a payment system, and all essential reminders and confirmation emails. By the end of the quarter, we had over 20 fully completed write—ups from paying customers.

Coaching Jobs Project

Our goal for this project is to increase college coaches' activity during their respective sports off-seasons. One of the problems we learned about this space was that sport job listings and job boards were often scattered, out of date, not enough traffic, and in some cases too expensive to post. So we hypothesize that if we could leverage our existing extensive coach network and make it free to post jobs then we could quickly become the leaders in the Coach Jobs space. We set out to do a 3-week development sprint where we planned to deliver an MVP solution and learn if this Job Marketplace had product viability. We delivered an MVP feature (basic list and posting capabilities) and began promoting this new feature to our coach network. We observed immediate success in user visits and job postings. These were good initial indicators to continue building out this feature to a point where it could be self-sustainable. Since our MVP launch, the Job Openings feature has become a very heavily visited page for both in-network and public non-FieldLevel users. It increased off-season college coach activity and job posting since it's launch. We have since followed-up with making improvements to the list page, added analytics for job posters, and created weekly digest and alert notifications.

Events Project

Our goal for this project was to increase athlete engagement during the summer months. Summer months are a low point in FieldLevel’s overall athlete activity metrics. In the summer months, many college programs are hosting summer camps, showcases, and prospect camps. On the flip side, parents and athletes all across the country are doing college campus visits. Our secondary goal was to learn how Events could weave into FieldLevel’s current product offering and what it would take to be a service that could contribute as a business line extension. We also had an objective to get an MVP version out asap so that we could take advantage of the upcoming summer months. We knew that we already had an existing pattern for the list and posting from our recent work on the Coaching Jobs project that would allow us to potentially build Events more quickly. One of the biggest questions that we had to answer was how we wanted to structure the act of posting events. Many other companies that host jobs generally have a “pay to post” or “pay per sign up” model. These were models we felt we didn’t want to emulate for two major reasons: 1) the implementation would be costly 2) we wanted our model to be unique and defensible. We felt that allowing organizations the ability to post camps for free would give us a competitive advantage in the space and allow us to take considerable market share. We decided to focus heavily on making sure that the free route was the route we wanted to take over a “pay” model. We believed that offering to post for free would attract more events to be posted and thus would drive athlete engagement higher and in turn, would increase our revenue sales. Over the next week, we spent our time primarily making discovery calls to college coaches and running revenue projections on the impacts of “free vs pay”. Eventually, we came to a consensus that running an experiment as the free model would help us learn more. We spent the next month building an MVP version of Events posting. We planned to launch in Baseball, Softball, Women’s Volleyball, & Women’s Basketball first and then open it up to the rest of the sports. The results of the test were extremely positive. We saw strong usage from our initial sports and we saw a big uptick in our athlete engagement numbers with a higher-than-average click rate for athlete weekly engagement emails. Most importantly we got great feedback from colleges posting their events on FieldLevel who would not normally post on competitive “pay” companies. Overall we got positive signals that this not only was going to give us a boost in athlete engagement but also that there was potential to take market share with our “free” model.

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Increasing Coach Engagement

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